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method of cleaning black notes +27780171131 with
Autor: maama    Datum: 22. 06. 2020, 13:23:02

Best method of cleaning black notes +27780171131 with SSD
chemical solution makes to easily clean the currency notes, .the following solution is SSD 3 solution, and dioxide solution, vector paste then mercury solution are used. The chemical is 100 percent pure. It cleans the air breezed powered system cleaning the defaced currency. The superior quality of cleaning solution is AutomaticDx-1 solution, and the activation power, tebi-magnetic solution are used.

AutomaticDx-1: The good SSD solution is AutomaticDx-1 is the homogeneous chemical solution. It used for the remove the excess coated impurities and specially dissolve from the anti-breeze notes.

Anti-air power: this power is under hygienic process conditions to remove the purity with superior quality.

Vector paste: this paste are used to clean the dirty, deface currency or banknotes with different types of chemicals are used.

Activation power: this white power contains the crystal activation it removes the black coat across the deface currency this power is solvable any SSD solution or with castor oxide it gives the best results.

Mercury paste: This product gives the best result with international quality free from impurities.

Tebi-magnetic solution: – This solution is mostly used for the extraction process. Currency bills for a long period of time to make the cleaning process.

SSD compound power:

This type of compound power is in the grain form. This p

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